From Macro to Micro

Visual Summary of the Macro to Micro project

The ‘From Macro to Micro’ project was an innovative collaboration between the Open University, Natural England, Dudley Council and King Edwards VI College that used an exciting mix of science and art to connect students with their local geological landscape.

A group of A-Level geology and art students had the opportunity to visit the Black Country Global Geopark to learn more about the secrets of their local landscape and how the arts and sciences can work together to understand and respond to these geological riches.

The group worked together to co-create new material for the Virtual Microscope website so others can share in the special features found in this area, as well as this novel approach to learning.

This video showcases the project and the outcomes we produced and you can find more on the Virtual Microscope blog.

I was delighted to be involved as the project artist. If you’d like to talk about collaborating with me on your next engaged research project please do get in touch about my creative consultancy options.

Video description

‘From Macro to Micro’ is a collaboration between the Open University, Natural England, Dudley Council and King Edwards IV College, Stourbridge.
This video showcases the experiences of a groups of A-Level Geology and Arts students discovering new ways to relate to their local geological landscape and gaining new perspectives on careers in geology and the intersection of science and arts.

Find resources from this and other collections on the Virtual Microscope website at

Project Team:
Clare Warren, Tom Argles, Elaine Hooton and Vicky Bowskill; Open University, School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences
Jonathan Larwood, Natural England
Graham Worton, Dudley Council
Robyn Amos (Geology Subject Leader, King Edward VI College, Stourbridge)

Project artist, including video production and editing: Vicky Bowskill
Music: ‘Perception’ by Bensound

This project was made possible through Growing Roots funding from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

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